Inna Nebel
Ukranian artist, based in Berlin
>born in 1974 Zaporojie, Ukraine.
> 1988 – 1993 Art School
> 1990 – 1995 State university / Literature / Psychology
> 1995 – 1999 designer in austrian publishing house EASTERN NETWORK.
> since 2000 freelancer as graphic designer and illustrator
> since 2004 collaboration with international magazine MONITOR UNLIMITED
[]: series of digital portrets as cover art.
> 2006_Moscow, Exhibition "VELIKOLEPNO!" curated by Andrei Bartenev, Exhibition has become a part of the presentation of the book «Velikolepno! Illustrators brilliant life.» The book covers the trends in modern graphics and magazine illustrations. Moscow
> 2006_participant in the Modern Art Festival «STOI KTO IDET!» moscow
> 2007_show-participant «LUBI KUTYUR» gallery «ZURAB» moscow
> 2008_show-participant festival «INSTITUTION OF SMILE» moscow
> 2009_3rd Annual Illustration Festival «FREE Wi-Fi»: Internet as Visual Impact Industry.
> 2010_ 2nd Moscow international Biennale for Young Art
«STOI KTO IDET!» project Kamasutra Spoon > 2013-... participating group exibitions in Berlin, Florence, Vienna, Moscow (Lemoart-gallery, Leise Genius, A&Acollections, etc)
currently lives in Berlin, Germany